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Popularization of basic knowledge of Signal indicator light

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Popularization of basic knowledge of Signal indicator light

Signal indicator light, a device that uses light to monitor the working or position status of circuits and electrical equipment. It is also the most intuitive and unique monitoring component in automation equipment. The main function is usually used to reflect the working state of the circuit (with or without electricity), the working state of electrical equipment (running, outage or test) and position state (closed or disconnected), etc. To remind the operator to deal with the fault in time, or operate a certain function to complete the relevant action

Meaning: Represents safety, normality, readiness (that is, an indication of safe operating conditions or the preparation of mechanical equipment to start).

Function: It is often used to indicate the ready-to-start state of the equipment. All auxiliary components are in the ready-to-use state, various parts are in the start-up state, and the voltage is within the specified range.

Selection of signal indicator color

1) The color selection principle of the signal indicator light is: choose the color according to the information that the indicator light is turned on (lighting) or reflected. Unify the use meaning of the color of the indicator light, which can ensure personal safety and facilitate operation and maintenance.

16mm LED indicator light

16mm LED indicator light

2) When color alone cannot indicate the operating function or operating status, necessary graphics or text symbols can be added on or near the device. If necessary, sound information can be added to achieve a more detailed distinction of information content.

3) According to the standardization requirements, the white signal light should be used as the power status indicator, and the green signal light should be used as the normal operation indicator; for the indication requirement of only closing, the green signal light should be used.

22mm LED electric indicator lamp

22mm LED electric indicator lamp

4) Black is used for the stop indicator light (GB/T4025-2010 preferred colors are white, gray and black, among which black is the most commonly used, red is also allowed, but green is not allowed); white is used for starting (GB/ T4025- In 2010, the preferred colors are white, gray and black, among which white is the most commonly used, and green is also allowed, but red is not allowed); the alarm signal indicator is yellow, which is used to identify abnormal conditions and indicate alarm information, etc.

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